
Gernetic Soothing Kit


Gernetic soothing kit includes Vasco 30 ml, Cold Cream Mousse 50 ml and Sensi boost ampoules 7 x 2.5 ml

Vasco 30 ml

Vasco is suitable for sensitive skins and skins with visible veins and capillaries due to lack of microcirculation.

  • Soothing agents help minimize the discomfort of reactive and intolerant skins and reduce redness and irritations.
  • The result is an acceleration of regeneration leaving a stronger skin.

Main Ingredients:

  • Extracts of St John’s Herbs (yarrow, St. John’s wort, sage) with tonic and astringent properties
  • Glycoproteins
  • Essential amino acids 
  • refined sweet almond oil

30 ml size